One or Two Photographers A Videographer Or All Of Them
How many wedding photographers do I need…ONE photographer AND a videographer or would you recommend TWO photographers?
In my opinion, it depends on the size of the wedding; small, micro or mini weddings one photographer is fine; I would recommend you speak with the photographer to understand a small wedding.
However, if your wedding is larger, a second photographer is a must; to get shots and angles that the first photographer cannot get.
Do You Need A Second Photographer
Additionally, a second photographer, you can get the Groom, Ushers and Bridal Party shots, while the first photographer focuses on the Bride.
Photographers are pretty good at capturing the day and telling the story BUT couples that book a second definitely, get special details that ONE photographer couldn’t do on their own.
Why Use A Videographer
If you want all the angles covered on your wedding day, a videographer will capture many angles on different media and moments which are not always translatable as an image.
How Many Wedding Photographers Do I Need
I wanted as many moments captured as possible and decided on both.
After 20 years of marriage, now and again my children watch the video and it’s a great laugh for all the family.
Finally, videos capture and will tell the whole story; photographs give you snippets of the story.